

Data di fondazione: Start up 2014.

Numero di dipendenti:  consulenti tecnici e specialisti in diversi campi.

Il profilo aziendale si basa sull'idea di sfruttare la tecnologia innovativa di algoritmi di Bayes e linguistica computazionale e di fare automaticamente l'apprendimento delle informazioni del sistema. La società si propone di diventare un centro di competenza nella creazione e gestione di conoscenze in molti campi di applicazione: industriale, medico, gestione organizzativa e di e-learning.

La Stratega s.r.l. utilizza le capacità di queste componenti tecnologiche innovative per fornire consulenza in aree specifiche, ma anche di identificare i servizi rivolti ad aziende e singoli utenti.  La Stratega srl, concentrandosi sulle tecnologie delle reti Bayes e linguistica computazionale, si propone di sviluppare diverse linee di prodotto:

 Consulenza organizzativa e l'innovazione sociale;
 servizi Prodotti-web-related: web reputation, la simulazione di intelligence, marketing;
 Web commercializzazione;
 gestione dei dati voluminosi (cloud, alloggio, ecc), web e database di ontologia;
 e-Learning;
 Networking

La Stratega srl, utilizzando l'esperienza acquisita dal gruppo di lavoro all'interno delle reti bayesiane linguistica computazionale, lavora diligentemente e con successo con aziende di medie dimensioni italiane in progetti di ricerca e sviluppo finanziati dalla UE attraverso il Ministero dello Sviluppo italiano.

Alcuni dei nostri partner sono:

  • Proxima informatica S.p.a. www.proximainformatica.com
  • servizi ADM S.p.a. www.admservices.it
  • Mobilesoft s.r.l. www.mobilesoft.it
  • eMate s.r.l. www.emate.it
  • NA.EL. s.r.l. www.nael.it
  • Contatti:
  • Dr. Raffaele Ferrillo
  • Technical Manager
  • mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • telefono: +393287535679
  • Skype: Strategaservices

About Us


NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: Technical consultants and specialists in different fields.

STRATEGA s.r.l. company's profile is based on the idea of taking advantage the innovative technology of Bayes algorithms, and computational linguistics to make "automatic" the learning of an information system. So the company is aimed to become a competence center in creating and management of knowledge in many application areas: industrial, medical, organizational management and e-learning.

STRATEGA s.r.l. uses the capabilities of these innovative technological components to provide advice in specific areas, but also to identify the services aimed to companies and individual users.

STRATEGA s.r.l., focusing on the technologies of Bayes networks and computational linguistics, aims to develop different product lines:

  • Organizational consulting and social innovation;
  • Products-web-related services: web reputation, simulation intelligence, marketing;
  • Web marketing;
  • Big data (cloud, housing, etc.), web and database ontology;
  • e-Learning;
  • Networking.

STRATEGA s.r.l., using the experience acquired by the working group within Bayes networks computational linguistics, works diligently and successfully with Italian medium-sized companies in research and development projects funded by the UE through the Italian Ministry of Development.

Some of our partners are:

  • Proxima informatica S.p.a. www.proximainformatica.com
  • ADM services S.p.a. www.admservices.it
  • Mobilesoft s.r.l. www.mobilesoft.it
  • Emate s.r.l. www.emate.it
  • NA.EL. s.r.l. www.nael.it
  • Contacts:
  • Dr. Raffaele Ferrillo Technical Manager
  • mail: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • phone: +393287535679
  • Skype: Strategaservices


CONSULTING SERVICES: Our goal is to boost your business competitiveness making available our capabilities, skills and knowledge. Following our methodology we will study the best strategy to improve your sales and make a better business.

Simplicity: Doing exactly the same things in a better way to manage business processes. We strongly believe this is the first and essential step for renovation and for making a much more profitable business.

Responsibility: We help you make changes, in order to get comprehension and support by people inside the organization. People and their interactions, as stated in the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, one of our landmarks, are the real business resources. Then, people empowerment is business empowerment.

Analysis: We think that identify and methodologically isolate company strengths and weaknesses are the key for quality improvement. These are, we believe, fundamental elements for a healthy competitive growth.

Goals: Our methodological approach contributes to manage achievable and measurable goals defined by the contribution of the storytelling manager and other actors that contribute to organizational management.

Empowerment: A work process that assists stakeholders, that make them stronger and much more conscious in their organization, in order to make changes more efficient and shared, and to face the new reality in one’s market sector. This process is the best way to face and exploit globalization as an opportunity to competitive growth and not as a threat.

TECNOLOGY SERVICES : An offering of services oriented to analysis, development and information system managing capable to elaborate huge amount of real-time data (Big Data, Analytics), continuously generated by different sources. Software able to archive and to analyse every kind of data, also textual data, through their dematerialization and digitalization, their storage and semantic analysis based on computational linguistics.

OUTSOURCING : Outsourcing, the contracting or subcontracting of some business activities, helps to cut down costs and gain efficiency. Companies may contract out many processes; we offer marketing and management outsourcing services, helping with decision making, using innovative data science technologies, to mine as much information as possible from enterprise data, linked to all other sources (web, database, social…), and related to the pertaining market sector.

METHODOLOGY : Management and process change is a driver for competitive growth, fundamental steps of our methodology that we follow to work with our clients in order to make changes profitable. First of all, we analyse data to examine products, team, clients, partner, market trends and socio-economic environment. We analyse data to identify and isolate possible issues SOFT SYSTEM METHODOLOGY ANALYSIS). We acquire, due to storytelling, stakeholders’ requests and expectations to project and build an information system to make and support the change. During the feedback phase, with information system results, it is possible to make possible changes to improve organization performance.

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